i like to start most workouts with about 10 minutes of mobility work directed at the areas I'm going to train. Since we're hitting the shoulders and triceps, we want to "open up" the upper body.
Stretch the pecs, lats, biceps, and triceps (I use a band for this) and work on T-spine extension and general shoulder girdle mobility.
I follow this general warm-up with one set of standing overhead presses combined with an overhead shrug for a set of 15 reps. I've been doing this for several months and it really helps wake up the shoulder girdle.
Perform a classic overhead press, and in the extended position go to an overhead shrug. Lower the bar and repeat 14 times.
I started out with just the bar and moved up five or ten pounds every month, doing this at least twice a week. See the video below for a demonstration.
To be proficient at overhead pressing, you need to feel comfortable standing with your legs straight, pelvis tucked posteriorly, trunk relatively vertical, arms straight with locked elbows, wrists in line with the forearms, and hands in the same vertical line as your ankles.
If you can't do all that, you need to work on your mobility.
As I've seen many people struggle to achieve this position, the main overhead pressing exercise used in this article is the seated dumbbell shoulder press, which most lifters can do successfully.
The Exercises
Seated dumbbell shoulder press (3 sets *15 reps)
Lateral raise (3sets*20reps)
Rear deltoid raise with power form (elbows bent, palms face each other) (2sets*12 reps)
Close-grip bench press( 2sets*20reps)
Dumbbell triceps pullovers(2sets*20reps)
Triceps pushdowns (your choice of grip. 3sets*20reps)
Stretch the pecs, lats, biceps, and triceps (I use a band for this) and work on T-spine extension and general shoulder girdle mobility.
I follow this general warm-up with one set of standing overhead presses combined with an overhead shrug for a set of 15 reps. I've been doing this for several months and it really helps wake up the shoulder girdle.
Perform a classic overhead press, and in the extended position go to an overhead shrug. Lower the bar and repeat 14 times.
I started out with just the bar and moved up five or ten pounds every month, doing this at least twice a week. See the video below for a demonstration.
To be proficient at overhead pressing, you need to feel comfortable standing with your legs straight, pelvis tucked posteriorly, trunk relatively vertical, arms straight with locked elbows, wrists in line with the forearms, and hands in the same vertical line as your ankles.
If you can't do all that, you need to work on your mobility.
As I've seen many people struggle to achieve this position, the main overhead pressing exercise used in this article is the seated dumbbell shoulder press, which most lifters can do successfully.
The Exercises
Seated dumbbell shoulder press (3 sets *15 reps)
Lateral raise (3sets*20reps)
Rear deltoid raise with power form (elbows bent, palms face each other) (2sets*12 reps)
Close-grip bench press( 2sets*20reps)
Dumbbell triceps pullovers(2sets*20reps)
Triceps pushdowns (your choice of grip. 3sets*20reps)
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