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BUILD MORE MUSCULE MASS ( vegetarian style of diet) AND (non-vegitarian)

1. Get Sufficient Calories

The very first thing you must do as a vegetarian bodybuilder is make sure that you get enough calories. If you don't take in enough calories on a regular basis your body is much more likely to turn to incoming protein for fuel and you very well may see a deficit forming.

2. Consume Plenty Of Fruits And Vegetables

Second, be sure that you are taking in plenty of fruits and vegetables. These are going to supply you with a high quality source of nutrients as well as all the antioxidant protection to keep your immune system feeling strong

 Utilize Nuts For Fuel

Another great food that you'll want to take in are nuts. Nuts provide a healthy source of fat and will provide a long-lasting form of energy as well. One handful will significantly boost your calorie intake and help make muscle gain that much easier.

Start Adding Peanut Butter

Another good way to boost your fat content is to start smearing natural peanut butter on as many foods as you can in your diet. This will also help to boost your overall calorie intake as well, which is obviously important when aiming to build muscle. Smear some peanut butter over your bananas, apples, mix it into oatmeal, or add it to any fruit smoothies you may be preparing

Eat More Frequently

It's also important that you're making sure to eat frequently throughout the day. Since you won't be taking in as much protein with every meal you eat as someone who isn't a vegetarian, by getting in regular meals you'll help ensure that you do always have that steady stream of amino acids going into the muscle tissues.

 Monitor Your Body Fat Levels

Since one thing many vegetarian bodybuilders are concerned over is muscle mass loss, be sure that you're regularly monitoring your body fat levels. This will give you a better indication if you are losing muscle mass so that action can be taken to help prevent this.

Supplement With Branched Chain Amino Acids

Another important supplement that you'll want to use is branched change amino acids. These you should specifically take immediately before and after the workout is complete as they too will help to safeguard against muscle mass loss.

 Stay Positive

Finally, the last tip is to stay positive. It may take slightly longer to build muscle as a vegetarian, but if you stay positive and keep working towards your goals, you definitely can get the results you're looking for.)
Non Vegetarians:
Non vegetarians can enjoy the liberty of eating pure carbohydrate sources more than the other two categories mentioned above. They can relish on a variety of food that can give them a good amount of lean protein, for example, 100gm chicken breast contains around 31gm of protein and 0 carbohydrates and 3.6gm of fat that too all under only 165 calories. With this you can easily identify the protein profile of a dal and chicken breast


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